Until May 14th we await submissions for the visual arts section. This year’s topic is “Heat” (Polish: War). The formal means used to define the topic should fit into the broadly understood term of visual arts.
The project is geared at students and graduates of artistic schools and faculties. The participants of this section partake in Fama’s competition proceedings and, apart from the main awards, may also win the Jan Sawka Award in the visual arts category.
The Polish term war means:
1. boiling liquid;
2. great heat; swelter;
3. a feeling of hotness from a part of the body due to shame, fear, excitement, etc.;
4. fierceness, a great intensification of something;
5. war (English meaning).
“Liquid modernity” is, at this point, so dynamically liquid that it starts resembling a vessel filled with a boiling liquid. Dynamics and temperature of events both from the geopolitical and from the social, cultural fields keeps increasing faster and faster. Reality with mutually opposing processes starts resembling boiling water filled with circling fragments of ideas, aesthetic, and ethical canons. The identity of the world in the post-modern era is characterised by attributes identical to those of post-modernity itself: incoherence, temporariness, inconsistency in proceedings, fragmentation, and the episodic nature of various spheres of individuals’ activity (Bauman 1993).
Can creative work – which is, after all, a result of these processes – define this reality? Can art, as an element of culture, be an easing factor for “contemporary heat”? Or maybe on the contrary, maybe it is art that “raises the temperature” through the adopted or imposed language of deconstruction and defragmentation? Is “heat” the sum and end of culture as we know it, or is it purely a cleansing process leading to a homogeneous world? And, consequently, one that raises a question about its shape?
Artists, immersed in a world so defined and subject to this dynamic process, can define how they perceive reality using art, and this is the very aim of this project.
Modern Art Gallery ms44 | Andrzej Pawełczyk
The submission process enables us to select the persons who will present their work at the exhibition. You can find the festival regulations and the entry form HERE. In the form, please describe your experience and artistic output. When submitting, please attach the piece you would like to present at the exhibition; it should allude to this year’s topic (a project, photo, reproduction, link). The list of the qualified artworks will be published until June 30th 2017.